Tracey O'Brien
Senior Evaluator
Tracey serves as a Senior Evaluator at the Evaluation Center. She is a Colorado native who over the last 20 years has led a number of initiatives to improve the evaluation strategies of human service organizations serving our most vulnerable populations.
Tracey’s work in the field of housing and homelessness spans projects such as the Statewide Point-In-Time Homeless studies; asset mapping services for persons experiencing homelessness; and research of Discriminatory Predatory Lending Practices for the Colorado Civil Rights Division. From 2009 through 2014, she was the lead in organizing the collection of Denver Metropolitan area homeless data which included participation on advisory committees, designing and field-testing survey instruments, developing training materials, planning logistics, training agency staff and volunteers, analyzing data, and the preparation and editing of reports of findings and recommendations.
Additionally, Tracey has a keen interest and extensive experience evaluating education programs. She has conducted work in the early childhood arena such as the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECE) Needs Assessment for the Piton Foundation; evaluation of early intervention programs such as Colorado Bright Beginnings, Parents as Teachers (PAT), and Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY). She has also conducted program evaluation for various K-12 initiatives such as the dropout prevention programs for the Engagement Centers and Credit Recovery programs through Denver Public Schools; online learning program for the Colorado Department of Education; and an assessment for statewide integrated ECE data system for the Head Start State Collaboration office. Recently, she completed a complex Child Care Market Rate Survey study for the Colorado Department of Human Services.
Most recently, Tracey has focused on the field of public health. She is currently leading a three-year, statewide, multi-level tobacco education and prevention program evaluation. This is a collaborative project with the Colorado School of Public Health Community Epidemiology & Program Evaluation Group (CEPEG) to assist program grantees in designing and implementing evaluation of tobacco control program activities conducted with Amendment 35 grant funding during FY2015-2018.